In 1886, an intelligent chap named
Jasper Freemont Meek noticed that some schoolboys were having a hard time
carrying their books home from school. This
observation prompted a simple thought, “Perhaps they could use a bag to carry
their books.”
From that simple observation, an
industry was born. Mr. Meeks was looking
for a way to keep his printing presses busy; a local merchant named L.L.
Cantwell wanted to sell more shoes; school boys needed book bags. It was called advertising.
Today, bags are still an excellent
way to promote your business. Bags are useful to anyone and everyone. There is
a bag available for just about any application, be it grocery shopping or
carrying delicate technology. But the best thing about bags is that they are
one of the most visible of promotional products. Bags travel throughout a
community (even the world), carrying not just their contents, but YOUR message
wherever they go.
What is the right bag for your
business? Contact me and let’s talk bags. Together, we’ll find the right one
for you.